for third parties


ONT ID Open Platform provides a variety of application APIs that help third-party applications quickly integrate. At present, the open platform provides third-party login, KYC, identity authentication, data storage and so on, and will continue to come up with more functions.

For third-party applications, please follow the following steps to start the services you need:


Please Note: At present, the open platform is still under test, you can apply for opening by [email protected] .

make sure the login page is accessable before docking:

Quick docking

Docking includes front-end docking and server docking. The front-end docking is mainly to dock the login and payment page, and the back-end docking is mainly to dock order request and order inquiry.

Front-end docks login page

There are two ways to integrate the ONT ID login: the first is to jump to a specific URL and the second is to integrate a plugin - plugin.js in the page. Here is the way to dock quickly. The way the page integrates plugins is described below.{value}
 value = window.encodeURIComponent(appontid + '&' + appname + '&' + callback_url + '&' + lang)

 lang is the language of page, en for English, and zh for Chinese.
appontid is the ontid of the application.
appname is the name of the application.


After a user logs in successfully, a returned login information will be attached as a parameter to the application callback address callback_url and passed to the application.

The returned information is processed by encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(response)). The application needs to reverse the operation to get the actual returned information. The structure of the returned information is as follows:

 "access_token": "",
 "ontid": "",

The application can get the access_token to query the user's information.

ONT ID authorization login

The ONT ID authorization login allows the user to securely log in to the third-party application or website by ONT ID. After the user of ONT ID authorizes the login to the third-party application that has accessed the ONT ID, the third party can get the user's interface call credentials (access_token) and then call the ONT ID related interface through the access_token .

The overall process of the ONT ID authorization login mode:

ontid login

  1. The application's front-end opens a new window to load the login page of the ONT ID.
  2. The user enters the username and password to log in on the login page of the ONT ID.
  3. The ONT ID development platform returns access_token with JWT token format.
  4. ONT ID Open platform front-end closes the login page and returns JWT token to the front-end of the application.
  5. The application front-end sends JWT token to the back-end of the application.
  6. Applicant's background verification After the issuer of JWT token succeeds, the user information in refresh_token is obtained, which is generally non-sensitive information, such as user user ONT ID, mobile phone number.
  7. The request header attaches the access_token to access the interface of ONT ID open platform.

How to integrate ONT ID login

You can use the quick docking method, see above for details.

Here is the way to use the JS plugin.

  1. The page imports the plugin.js

   > Currently plugin.js is placed on github, and we will put it later on the CDN.

  1. Add a meta tag to the page and fill in the application's ONT ID. <meta name="ontid-signin-client_ontid" content="YOUR_CLIENT_ONT">

  2. Add the Sign In button for ONT ID in the page. <div class="ontid-signin" data-onsuccess="onSignIn"></div>

  3. After the login is successful, trigger the callback onSignIn and send JWT token to the back-end of the applicaton.

    //get JWT token
    function onSignIn(result) {
      const {access_token, ontid} = result
       //sent to the  Website Application back end
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '');
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        xhr.onload = function() {
          console.log('Signed in as: ' + xhr.responseText);
        xhr.send('idtoken=' + id_token);
  1. Application's back-end verifies JWT token

ONT ID associates authorization login of third-parties

Third-party authorization logins such as WeChat, QQ, and Facebook are very popular methods for quick login, which simplifies the process of user login.

We provide the function that can associate third-party authorization login. In short, when the user logs in by third-party account such as WeChat, QQ, and facebook, the ONT ID account is automatically associated.

Now supported: WeChat and Facebook. All major third-party accounts will be supported in the future, such as QQ, Weibo, Google, Twitter, etc.

Access procedures

1. The application puts a login button on the page.

Place login buttons of third parties for different needs.

2. Add a click event for the login button

Click the login button to jump to the following link


ontid_host ONT ID front-end project address. Test environment:, the official environment:

dapp_ontid The application's ONT ID.

provider a authorized third party. The optional values: wechat, facebook.

redirect_url The callback address of the application. After the authorization login, it will be redirected to the callback address, and the user's access_token will be attached at the end.

lang The language of the page. The optional values: en, zh

3. Verify the access_token obtained from the callback address

access_token is in the JWT format. It contains the signature of the ONT ID back-end. It is necessary to send access_token to the application's back-end for verification. After the verification, the login process is completed.

For details of access_token, please refer to JWT Token Format Description

For the way to verify access_token, please refer to java example

demo and examples

demo source code


To experience WeChat login, please open the link in WeChat

To experience other login methods, open the link in your browser

Error code

00000SUCCESS, success
61001PARAM_ERROR, parameter error
61002ALREADY_EXIST, already exist
61003NOT_FOUND, not found
61004NOT_EXIST, do not exist
61005NOT_PERMISSION, permission error
61006NOT_REGISTRY, not registered
61007EXPIRES, expired
61008REVOKED, cancelled
61009SERIALIZE_ERROR, serialization error
61010TIME_EXCEEDED, time exceeded
62001VERIFY_FAIL, identity verification failed
62002CREATE_FAIL, creation failed
62003COMM_FAIL, communication exception
62004FILE_ERROR, file operation exception
62005DB_ERROR, database operation error
62006SIG_VERIFY_FAILED, the verification failed
63001INNER_ERROR, internal exception
63002EXCEPTION, exception
63003CODE_VERIFY_FAILED, device code verification failed
63004IDENTITY_VERIFY_FAILED, authentication failed

Common problem

JWT Token Format Description

 JWT contains three parts:


Each part is in the Base64Url format, separated by ..

  • Header
  "alg": "ES256",
  "typ": "JWT"

The alg attribute represents the signature algorithm. The default is HMAC SHA256 (written as HS256), but we use ES256 (ECDSA is to use P-256 curve and SHA-256 hash algorithm).

The typ attribute represents the type of this token, and JWT token is uniformly written as JWT.

  • Payload

Officially specified 7 fields, optional. We use the following required fields:

  iss (issuer): issuer. Here is the ONT ID of the ONT ID open platform.

  exp (expiration time):token Expiration time.

  aud (audience): audience. Here is the application's ONT ID.

  iat (Issued At): issue time

  jti (JWT ID): number. The certificate saved by the ONT ID open platform.

Note that in addition to the above fields, there are some customized fields for storing user information, which cannot be sensitive information.

content : 自定义的字段,用于保存用户信息。现在的内容如下:

  • Signature

The Signature part is the signature of the first two parts to prevent data tampering.

The signature generation rules:

  1. Header and Payload are spliced ​​into parameter strings in ascending alphabetical order, with &, such as:

Header : alg=ES256&typ=JWT

Payload: aud=Applicator ONT ID&exp=20190310&iat=20190301...

  1. Convert the above two strings into base64url format and connect with . to get the template string.
  2. Sign the target string using the private key of ONT ID open platform and the signature algorithm ES256.

After the application gets JWT token, the target string is generated according to the above rules and finally the application checks the signature.

How to verify the signature of the access_token

Please refer to java example